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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Willow Garage: The Future of Robotics?

If all the hype is true, robotics will soon play a huge role in our everyday lives, and Willow Garage may be the kingpin of this revolutionary new industry. The firm provides both hardware and software for robotics applications. The company's biggest product is its Robot Operating System (ROS). This product is open source code, just like the rest of the products Willow Garage releases.

ROS was originally developed in the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. A year later, Willow Garage took over the project. In its major respects, ROS performs the same functions as any other operating system. However, part of the system is allocated to keeping track of and supporting the functionality of nodes that have been written in by users. The fact that ROS is open source is the largest reason why it is expected to develop rapidly and play a key role in the future of robotics. One of the reasons why many programmers will contribute to ROS is that they know that their contributions will not only affect Willow Garage, but the entire robotics industry. The company has already achieved several milestones such as programming a robot to navigate its way through a room to plug itself in when its power supply is low and making a robot conscious of when it is holding an object.

Willow Garage has worked closely with other companies in the robotics industry in order to develop the software that it sells through its website. With the help of other programmers, Willow Garage has been able to develop rich, robust and integrated software bases upon which robotics professionals and hobbyists can use to build their applications. Within six months of the company being launched Willow Garage began working with NASA to develop open source code for robots that are being designed to explore other planets. Willow Garage has also worked on other applications that are still new in the robotics industry, such the interaction between humans and robots.

Willow Garage's vision is not limited to its own research or product development, either. The company is also looking to the future of the industry and the impact that its robotics milestones will have on society. They are currently planning on developing an environment where robotics applicatins can be shared and distributed much more easily. They have also have been carefully following trends and new developments in the industry as a whole. Willow Garage envisions days when robots will see, and address the possibility that robots may be misused by unscrupulous individuals if appropriate precautions are not taken.

There seems to be little doubt that robots are going to affect our lives in more ways than we can imagine. As the robotics industry begins to soar, Willow Garage will almost certainly ride its way to the top.
MLM Training: Let Prospects Close Themselves
By: Ed Forteau
Network Marketers lose many prospects because they try too hard to close the deal. It is a natural reaction for people to shun being sold, but they love to buy. By letting prospects close themselves, you will end up putting more people in your downline.
Most MLM Trainers tell networkers to sell features and benefits. When promoting a network marketing opportunity, features and benefits selling is hard work. The prospect is always suspicious, and moving away from you.
The way we eliminate this fear and suspicion is to use what we call a Crossover Move.
Let's demonstrate what happens when a Crossover Move is used:
The Prospect says, "I really like your opportunity."
The Networker says, "Interesting. Based upon our discussion to this point, I would not have guessed you had any interest in my opportunity. What did I miss?"
Did you see the Crossover? Instead of moving in for the close, we gently moved away, and let the prospect close himself. Let's continue and see what happens next.
The Prospect says, "Maybe you missed how your marketing system will solve my problem with duplication."The Networker says, "Really. I'm still a little confused. Could you be a little more specific?"The Prospect says, "Sure. By doing... " Did you see what just happened? The prospect is doing all the work to close himself. The prospect is buying, not being sold. Isn't that easy? Just one last move, and then we're done. The Networker says, "John, what would you like to do next?"The Prospect says, "I'm ready to sign-up." No surprise stalls or last minute objections. The prospect feels in control, and is moving the process forward. And because of this, he is much more likely to sign-up for autoship and start signing up other distributors right away. Because he bought, he is self- motivated. The Crossover Move consists of two parts: the build-up and the take-away. Here's an example: "Conversational RecruitingTM has been called the most powerful recruiting process in Network Marketing, but it's not for everyone." The build-up is: "Conversational RecruitingTM has been called the most powerful recruiting process in Network Marketing." The take-away is: "but it's not for everyone." The build-up captures the imagination of the prospect, while the take-away entices the prospect to want to know more. The prospect then begins selling you on why they would be interested. Once you've mastered the fine art of the Crossover Move, you can sit back and watch your prospects sell you on wanting to get involved with your network marketing opportunity. You build up, then take away; build up, then take away... and if you do that long enough, prospects sell themselves. Why is this called the Crossover Move? Because it is the opposite of what MLM Trainers tell networkers to do when recruiting someone new into network marketing. It crosses over from the expected, to the unexpected. Most of all, like all Conversational RecruitingTM methods, it just flat-out works. Achieving MLM Success requires that you step away from the norm. Crossover Moves allow you to do just that, and step into the ranks of the Super Recruiters. Author BioEd Forteau & Kevin Paschke help you Attract, Sponsor, Retain, and Develop all the distributors you will ever need. Sign up for their 15 Day Conversational RecruitingTM Advanced Mini-Course at www.ConversationalRecruiting.net and put more distributors in your downline now! Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com

Tips to get your Entrepreneurship off and running

By: Michael Johnson

While the ideal way of starting a small business would be to free yourself up from every other venture, problem, time consuming effort and obligation and throw yourself into starting a small business every waking moment, this isn't an ideal world. Few of us can afford the luxury of setting everything else aside to devote all our time and efforts, as well as capital - to starting a small business.

Some of us have the itch to become an entrepreneur but have to "keep our day jobs" while we give this starting a small business idea a go. It may well be, in fact, that starting a small business part time is the most common entrepreneurial process.

Part of succeeding at starting a small business if you have to do so part time is to know your schedule and your time limitations and choose a business concept that you enjoy, have some training or expertise in and can be accomplished around your work schedule. The other alternative is to change your work schedule either with your current employer or choose an alternative employer. Starting a small business takes effort and focus as well as time.
It may be that your current job is not only time consuming but also the type of work that requires a great deal of energy, a great deal of concentration, a very regimented schedule and perhaps the responsibility that tends to have you taking your work home with you either actually or mentally. This sort of work style doesn't lend itself well to starting a small business part time.

Let's look at an example of a journalist who has a successful writing and editing business from her home office. When she decided she was interested in starting a small business she had been working for many years in newspaper management. Her executive responsibilities required 70 and 80 hour workweeks and even then she took work home.

After many years of this she began to think more and more about her dream of starting a small writing business. It called to her more and more urgently. But how was she to even think of starting a small business when she had little time, energy or focus left in her busy work week? Besides, she had to work to keep the roof over her head.
What she did to determine if starting a small business was even possible, was to sit down and write out a budget, deciding where she could eliminate some non-essential expenses in her life, and what she absolutely had to have to live on. She then looked for, and found, a job that not only brought in enough money to live on but freed up a lot of her daytime work week hours as well as her mental focus. She took a customer service job in a call center.
Starting a small business was going to be possible with this job where it had not been with her newspaper career for a number of reasons. It required considerably less mental acumen, it didn't require that she take her work home with her, it was easy, the hours were flexible (she worked 3pm-midnight Thursday through Sunday) and the dress code was highly casual. She could work all day starting her small business and then don her jeans and go into the call center in the evening. Now she's quit that call center job and her dream of starting a small business has been fulfilled. Her business is thriving and she works at it full time.

You will find links to other small business associations from the SBANC site. These small business associations include the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) offering one on one counseling in person or online, the Small Business Administration (SBA) and its Small Business Development Centers which provide a ton of small business assistance including mentoring, training, publications, tapes, workshops and financing, Allied Academies - a worldwide research and training group, the Small Business Institute which provides entrepreneurial teaching and training, and the Federation of Business Disciplines, a group of educators devoted to small business teaching conferences.

Author Bio About the Author: M. Johnsona operates a variety of small business websites and newsletters. Visit the website for many business start up ideas. www.smallbiztipscenter.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com